TOEIC Listening Test 41 | Part 2: Question-Response (with Answers & Transcript)

Xuất bản 22/08/2015
AUDIO TRANSCRIPTS 11. Does anyone have an extra pencil? (A) Not until tomorrow. (B) Down the hall. (C) You’d better ask Peter. 12. When do you want to review this case? (A) In case we need one. (B) It has a great view. (C) First thing tomorrow morning. 13. Why is Laura coming in today? (A) About 3 o’clock. (B) She’ll come back later. (C) To pick up her paycheck. 14. What’s wrong with the photocopier? (A) No, I wanted five copies. (B) I guess, she is wrong. (C) I think the toner’s leaking. 15. Where can I buy some masking tape around here? (A) They’re for sealing boxes. (B) It’s a dollar fifty per roll. (C) Try the pharmacy across the street. 16. Do you want me to help you organize the party? (A) If you need my assistance. (B) Sorry, but I’ll be away on vacation. (C) It’s all been taken care of, thanks. 17. Has your lawn mower been repaired or is it still being worked on? (A) Sure, go ahead. (B) I was about to call and check. (C) I work out every other day. 18. Hasn’t the shipment arrived yet? (A) Yes, she works with a rival company. (B) No, it’s still on its way. (C) All right then. 19. When is the board meeting in San Francisco? (A) To the corporate headquarters. (B) For almost three weeks. (C) Not until next Friday. 20. Ms. Song is in charge of sales, isn’t she? (A) No, the album was a big hit. (B) I liked the lyrics but not the melody. (C) I thought she was transferred last year. 21. Did you take a look at the new office furniture? (A) Yes, the desks were very spacious. (B) No, I didn’t know you received an offer. (C) I expect to see the results soon. 22. Isn’t this your boss’s notebook? (A) Yes, he left me a note. (B) No, the rooms were completely booked. (C) No, but it just looks the same. 23. How long has he been supervising the project? (A) It should take at least a month. (B) No more than a year, I’d say. (C) We have no projection. 24. How would you feel about having dinner with me this weekend? (A) I’d love to get together with you. (B) Mostly at an Italian restaurant. (C) Yes, that’s one of my favorite hobbles. 25. Is this year’s trade conference going to be in Hong Kong or Singapore? (A) They have outstanding trading partners. (B) I'm not even sure if there’s going to be one. (C) As far as I know, it is in July. 26. How do you want your package sent? (A) My secretary reserved the flights. (B) Can you arrange an overnight delivery? (C) Yes, five packages all together. 27. Will he be here for tonight’s rehearsal? (A) No, he’s not feeling well. (B) You need to practice more. (C) Tomorrow is better for me. 28. When does the next train depart? (A) On platform 13. (B) I sure am glad it left. (C) It's being delayed until further notice. 29. Why don’t we ask Jenny to lead the discussion? (A) She’d be a nice choice, I think. (B) No, she didn’t attend the discussion. (C) That’d be room 2433. 30. Who will present the information to the shareholders? (A) Thank you for the wonderful gift. (B) The president herself will. (C) To make an informed decision. 31. This is your first time at the company picnic, right? (A) No, I don’t know it very well. (B) Go ahead, take your pick. (C) No, I attended it two years ago. 32. Why was the product test postponed? (A) It must be postmarked by June 1. (B) The research division requested more time. (C) To arrange a meeting beforehand. 33. How many employees does Mr. Nagarini have in total? (A) No, the offices are separate. (B) Total revenue exceeded 10 million. (C) He has a workforce of five hundred. 34. What’s the charge for the dry cleaning service? (A) I’ll have someone come up right away. (B) It depends on what you want done. (C) It’s temporarily out of order. 35. Excuse me, where can I catch the bus to the city hall? (A) It'll take a little over an hour. (B) Certainly, I'll give you a ride. (C) Turn right at the corner. 36. Did you read the memo they sent out this morning? (A) Yes, I already mailed them. (B) No, I just got here. (C) It was a truly memorable experience 37. Would you mind moving over one seat? (A) No, I moved here two months ago. (B) Sorry, but I’m saving it for a friend. (C) I won’t see it unless I get there early. 38. What kind of speech is David going to give at Grace’s retirement luncheon? (A) There’ll be chicken salad and smoked salmon. (B) He’s going to talk about her achievements. (C) Yes, it’ll be a big celebration. 39. I wonder if the parking garage is far from the convention center. (A) Yes, it’s just across the street. (B) They charge 4 dollars an hour. (C) I’d say it’s about a five-minute walking distance. -------- CORRECT ANSWERS 11.C -12.C -13.C -14.C -15.C -16.C -17.B -18.B -19.C -20.C 21.A -22.C -23.B -24.A -25.B -26.B -27.A -28.C -29.A - 30.B 31.C -32.B -33.C -34.B -35.C -36.B -37.B -38.B - 39.C - 40.C
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