Listening Comprehension - Lesson 2 - MySunEnglish (TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC)

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Xuất bản 15/08/2015 Coming after last week's video, here is lesson #2 on oral comprehension! Follow Justin's series and be sure to improve your understanding of oral English! Text: " Social desirability is a basic motivation whereby we are driven by what others think about us. While many people are aware of this tendency that we all have, most of us tend to neglect how strong an effect it can have on our decision-making process. In fact, this need for approval and liking can be a fundamental driver for many of the decisions we choose to make. This trait produces a bias in our way of thinking that is called the "Social desirability bias". This bias makes it more likely that respondents will answer questions in a manner that will make them look good in the eyes of society. It can take the form of over-reporting "good behavior" or under-reporting "bad behavior". Researchers have to be careful about this tendency when doing research, especially when using self-reports or questionnaires, as no one actually supervises the respondent. Let's explain this bias better by using a more concrete example. Let's imagine a questionnaire that has the question, "Do you use drugs/illicit substances?". The respondent may be influenced by the fact that controlled substances are generally illegal. Because of this, respondents may feel pressured to deny any drug use or rationalize it, e.g., "I only smoke when my friends are around, so it doesn't count," although it actually does. The bias can also influence reports about the number of partners. Interestingly, the bias here will depend on the culture. It may be seen more or less favorably to have multiple partners over the course of one's life depending on where you live. On top of that, the bias may operate in opposite directions for different subgroups: in North America, for example, men tend to inflate their numbers, while women tend to underestimate theirs. In either case, the reports from both groups are likely to be distorted by social desirability bias." Questions: 1. Social desirability means that one only thinks about his/her self. a) True b) False 2. Social desirability bias can influence our way of thinking. a) True b) False 3. The impact of the social desirability bias can be felt more seriously in research when: a) The subjects are both men and women b) Using self-report & questionnaires c) Gathering information d) The subjects have used illicit drugs before 4. The social desirability bias may operate in different directions for different subgroups. a) True b) False 5. Social desirability bias depends on the culture a) True b) False Answers: 1) B 2) A 3) B 4) A 5) A
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