English Writing Test - New FCE Exam 2016 (with Sample Answers)

Xuất bản 14/08/2015
This is a new English Writing Test in Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam, in new format since 2015. You should write down your own essay, then compare it with sample essay or answer provided in the video. There are examiner's comments and marks on these sample essays. So you can analyze them and learn to write a good essay or answer in New FCE Writing Paper. These tests are very helpful for you to prepare for Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam in new format. They are also very good for you to practice general English writing skill and reading skill. This video is in the series of Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam preparation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp39kaAVtLBR-WGLr3jBFUBhFYcJvjSkc SUBSCRIBE with us for the latest FCE English tests and support !
english writing practice fce exam practice Cambridge English First exam FCE exam preparation english writing exercises sample english essays
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