Job Interview Tips 6 - You're Hired | Learn English | British Council

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Xuất bản 16/08/2015
Practice exercises: Watch Daniel and Sarah make their presentations to see who can impress Philip and Marcia the most. Transcript Daniel: When I was asked to do a presentation on 'Where WebWare is going, and what I can do to help it get there,' my first thought was simple: me! As you've already seen, I've got a lot of skills, and the right kind of personality needed to do a job like this... Here's a slide I made! You see that -- that's my sales team -- they love me! Certainly going to be sad to see me leave... Outside the box thinking -- that's what I've got...! Sarah: Ok. To start with, I did a careful SWOT analysis using the data I had available, which is obviously only partial. I looked at aspects such as competitors, online visibility, changing technologies and R&D... On the basis of this, I believe WebWare should carry out some careful market research, strengthen its brand awareness in secondary markets, and improve the flexibility of its offer. If this produces positive results, I think it should be possible to maintain the premium pricing policy... Daniel: Here's the sales figures for the last job I did -- all down to me! Blue sky thinking! Finally, to finish my presentation, I'd like to play you a song I wrote... Philip Hart: Ok, Ok... that's enough. Thanks Daniel... Daniel: Great! So does that mean I've got the job? Marcia Boardman: Erm, we'll be in touch over the next five days to let you know... Daniel: OK great, thank you. Sarah: This is how I'd predict a sales pattern would go. I have to emphasise these are only speculative results at the moment. The key words are: caution, adaptability, and consolidation of main product lines -- WebWare's "cash cows," if you like. It's important to be flexible, yet reliable. Oh, and another thing is you need to improve the delivery times on your online orders! I hope all that's clear. Do you have any questions? Philip Hart: No, thank you Sarah -- that's all very clear -- you've given us quite a lot to think about there! Marcia Boardman: Yes, thanks a lot Sarah. We'll be in touch over the next few days to let you know about the appointment. Sarah: Thank you both for your time. It's been a pleasure meeting both of you. Philip Hart / Marcia Boardman: Bye! To get this and many other great audio and video series on your phone or tablet, with interactive audioscripts, keyword glossaries and comprehension exercises, download our "LearnEnglish Audio & Video" app from the iTunes App Store or Google Play (
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