20150804-2 Timothy Lane, A Disposition HOT Theory of Belonging Assessing the Neural Plausibility...

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Xuất bản 18/08/2015
This video was recorded for the lecture of Prof. Timothy Lane in the international conference of Taiwan, August 3-5 2015, Higher-Order Theories and Mental Qualities: A Conference in Honor of David Rosenthal. The topic of the lecture is "A Disposition HOT Theory of Belonging Assessing the Neural Plausibility of HOT Theory's Disposition Account of Self and Belonging." It was one of the fifteen sections. For the schedule and detail, please refer to the website: http://2015hotintaiwan.blogspot.tw/p/program.html You will find the videos of other lectures in the conference on Youtube and the website. The conference was organized by College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Taipei Medical University (TMU), and sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in Taiwan. Please feel free to share the link, but only for non-profit purpose. All rights are reserved to TMU, MOST, and the speakers in the videos.
Belonging Timothy Lane Higher order theory
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