New TOEIC Listening Test 09 - Practice Part 1 (with Answers & Transcript)

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Xuất bản 22/08/2015
Practicing on these TOEIC tests helps raise your score in the TOEIC Listening Section. Check the audio transcript and correct answers below. This video is in the series of NEW TOEIC Test Preparation: SUBSCRIBE with us for the latest TOEIC tests and support ! ---------------- AUDIO TRANSCRIPTS 1. (A) The real estate agents are examining the hall. (B) The tourists are writing a check. (C) The passengers are waiting to check their bags. (D) The traffic police are issuing parking tickets. 2. (A) The station is at the end of the street. (B) The passengers are in first class. (C) The conductor is at the front of the train. (D) The commuters are leaving the train. 3. (A) The operating room is in use. (B) The doctor is on the phone. (C) The doctor is making house calls. (D) The student is taking an examination. 4. (A) The blinds on the windows are closed. (B) The beds need to be made. (C) The store has chairs and tables. (D) The hotel room is tidy and bright. 5. (A) The doorman opened the door. (B) The man will carry her suitcase. (C) The luggage rack is full. (D) The tourist saw all the sights. 6. (A) The conference is well attended. (B) The man is using a pointer. (C) The woman is sitting down. (D) The people are sitting at a desk. 7. (A) The boaters are monitor the currents. (B) The electrician is wiring a lamp. (C) The men are unplugging the lights. (D) The utility workers are checking the tower. 8. (A) The man is walking through the desert. (B) The chefs are peeling fruit. (C) The patron consults with the chef. (D) The farmer is harvesting the vegetables. 9. (A) The reservations agent is reading a book. (B) The room service waiter is at the door. (C) The hotel housekeeper is cleaning the room. (D) The guest is talking to the clerks. 10. (A) People enjoy an outdoor cafe. (B) The coffee is cold. (C) The chairs are next to the window. (D) The chef is in the kitchen. ---------------- CORRECT ANSWERS 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. A
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