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C# with Unity in Depth - Series Description:---------------------------------
C# ( pronounced as C sharp ) : C# is an object oriented programming language. It's features are simple, modern, object-oriented, component-oriented, managed, robust, secured, platform independent, and general purpose programming language. It is developed at Microsoft under the initiative of Anders Hejlsberg around the year 1990. C# is a part of .NET framework. C# is based on C and C++ language. One of the utlimate programming language developed and used in variety of areas like application development, web design, game development, robotics etc.
Unity ( Game Engine ) : Unity game engine is an ultimate game development platform for video game development. Unity is used by billions of game designers and game developers to develop cross-platform video games. Unity game engine supports variety of gaming platforms like pc, mobile , ios platform, play station console ,wii console etc. Unity game engine uses C# as a scripting language. It is very easy to script in unity using C# script. It is one of the standard in the game industry. Unity is developed by Unity Technologies and used to develop video games.
Mono Develop ( IDE ) : We use MonoDevelop [Integrated Development Environment] supplied with unity engine. We edit, compile, run and debug all our c# codes in monodevelop. If you have strong skill in C# scripting you can create awesome games which can be easily managed, extendable, flexible, resuable and get overall control on unity games.
C# with Unity ( Tutorials ): "C# with Unity" covers C# programming language in depth, covers C# tokens, methods, arrays, class, object, inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic binding and message passing. Also we discuss various game development techniques with real time examples.
Game Vector Math: We discuss complete vector mathematics for games and simulations. We learn how to code various game mathematics and game physics concepts.
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