The Ritual Fabrication of Mathematical Knowledge - 2

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Xuất bản 28/06/2016
This is a replacement video for a conference I could not go to. It has four parts: - In the first I talk - together with my girlfriend and fellow expert - about the ontology, genesis, gnoseology, and dynamics of mathematical knowledge. I introduce the fantastic idea of constructivism - and compare knowledge to money. - In the second part I present some ideas I got from Roy Rappaports great book Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity. - The third part is longest and contains my analysis of Mathematics Education as a ritual. - The fourth part is a bonus. There I introduce some concepts from lacanian psychoanalysis and show how they can be used to further complexify the image of mathematics education. This video is made for friends interested in mathematics education. It is far from perfect - quite non-perfect in fact; it is slooooow. But if you bear with me, and are interested in maths education, I promise that there is some content here that is worth considering. At least that is what I think. It would be really cool if youtube could be used for a serious discussion, so feel free to comment. The Prezi that I have used can be found here: I have written a dissertation (in Swedish) about the history of mathematics education. It can be found here: I have also written some texts, that can be found here:
mathematics education Anthropology Field Of Study
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