Transportation | Learn English | Pioneers Education

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Xuất bản 14/08/2015
Pioneers Education introduces pre-school which has wide range of words pictures and concepts. After learning them you will be able to talk about and understand everything around you in a much better manner. So come with me into this world of knowledge, let's go... You all like to go in Papa's or Mummy's car for shopping or even on holidays. Don't you? Well, we need vehicles to help us do so. Vehicles are mode of transport that helps us move from one place to another. Let's catch hold of them before they move away. Watch more animated chapters at Subscribe now and be the first one to watch our new videos:
english Learn english how to learn english education Student English speaking Grammar kids english language kindergarten children english writing Train Nursery Pioneers Education Car animated Bus Ship Moped Transportation Van Simple English toddlers easy way to learn english Pre-School Essentials Learn Transportation Aero plane Cycle Motorcycle Bullock cart English Alphabets Learn english for beginners Preschoolers water transport road transport air transport
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