Montreal Dangerous Bus Drivers

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Xuất bản 15/08/2015
Published November 30, 2014: TRAILER VIDEO RELEASE - Montreal and surrounding area bus drivers caught texting while driving, going through stop signs, and, in general, driving too fast for the very rough road conditions in Montreal area. On average, between August 2010 and March 2011, a complaint was filed every other day about a Société de Transport de Montréal driver using an electronic device while behind the wheel, but it remains unclear what, if any, action was taken as a result. And the bus drivers continue to text without, what appears to be, no disciplinary action, or consequences for putting passengers in grave danger.
STM montreal bus drivers public safety texting while driving bus passenger safety unsafe bus driving Société de Transport de Montréal distracted Montreal bus drivers STM supervisor Passengers express strong concerns bus passengers afraid
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