Adventure Enthusiasts Fly Microlight Aircraft Around India

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Xuất bản 15/08/2015
Two adventure sports enthusiasts from central Indian city of Bhopal fly microlight aircraft to promote its usage across the country. Full Story: Five, four, three, two, one, takeoff!!! This is a microlight aircraft, and its passengers are Atul Saksena and Vinod Singh. They travel to different cities in their mini aircraft, promoting their fast flying sport. Hailing from central India, the two undertook a journey to Indore city in the central Madhya Pradesh state. Speaking before his flight to Indore, Saksena said he hoped more people would take up this sport as it was fun and safe. [Atul Saksena, Microlight Owner]: "There is no chance of any accident or mishap happening as we have a seat belt on. It's a lot of fun." A group of onlookers enjoyed watching their takeoff as the two propelled themselves into the sky. The two-seater microlight is a fixed wing aircraft with a maximum weight capacity of no more than 992 pounds. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛  Add us on Facebook ☛
India Atul Saksen Vinod Singh microlight Indore City Madhya Pradesh state Bhopal City two-seater microlight aircraft fixed wing aircraft adventure sports india microlight aircraft
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