VIU Lectures 2013: Wetlands and Climate Change, J. Callaway, University of San Francisco

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Xuất bản 17/08/2015
John Callaway, Professor of environmental science, applied ecology, wetlands, and restoration ecology at University of San Francisco gave a lecture on "Restoration of wetland ecosystems in the face of climate change: lessons from San Francisco Bay". Wetlands are unusual ecosystems found at the transition between upland/terrestrial and aquatic systems. Because of their unique properties and location, they provide important benefits, or "ecostystem services", to humans, here in the Venice Lagoon and around the world. Despite these benefits they have been severely impacted by human activities, and only recently has interest grown in restoring wetlands. In San Francisco Bay, the wetlands have been subject to significant restoration efforts over the last 40 years, and these activities offer potential lessons for restoration activities in the Venice Lagoon.
Lecture Environment climate change Viu Spring 2013 Semester Globalization Program Shss Venice International University John Callaway University Of San Francisco Organization wetland
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