New Cambridge English: First (FCE) - Listening Test 16 with Answers & Transcript

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Xuất bản 14/08/2015
This is the new Cambridge First Certificate in English Listening test, 2016. Practicing on these Cambridge FCE Listening tests helps raise your score in the Cambridge English First exams. These tests are also very good to exercise English listening skills. Correct answers & audio transcript are posted below. This video is in the series of NEW Cambridge First Certificate in English exam preparation: SUBSCRIBE with us for the latest tests and support ! ======= TRANSCRIPTS W = Woman M = Man W: It's me again ... no ... no, look, this is no good. I'm talking to you on my mobile and the train keeps going into tunnels and we get cut off. Yes, I know this is important ... Look, I'll phone you again when I get off to change trains at Haywards Heath ... Okay then ... M: Er, ... excuse me, did I just hear you say 'Haywards Heath'? W: Well, er ... yes ... that's where... M: But isn't this the train for Salisbury - I mean, that's what it said on the board? W: Oh, I think you should have been in the front four coaches. You see, the train divided at Redhill and this is one of the rear four coaches, which goes on to Brighton. M: Oh, oh ... but that's impossible, it didn't say anything on the announcement board. How ... how did you know? W: They made an announcement, didn't you hear it? M: Er ... no. I can't believe this is happening. W: Well, if you don't believe me, go and ask the guard. M: Oh ... hang on ... If this is the Brighton train, I haven't got the right ticket. I could end up having to pay extra and I've only got plastic, which he won't accept. W: Well, what you could do is get off at the next station and get the next train going back to Redhill. Let's see, the last one was Three Bridges, so we should be arriving in Balcombe in just a minute. M: And I can just get on another train without showing my ticket? W: Ah, now that's a point. That'll be a bit difficult at a small station like Balcombe. No, what you need to do is get off at Haywards Heath and cross to platform 3 where the northbound trains depart from. M: Is that what you're doing? W: Not exactly, I'll be taking the connecting service to Lewes but I can show you where to go. M: Er ... look ... thanks very much. I really appreciate this. Er ... you don't happen to know if there actually is a northbound train to Redhill at this time of night? W: Mmm ... I think they run trains all night because of Gatwick airport. But if you like, I could phone through to central enquiries and make sure. M: If it wouldn't be too much trouble. Look, um, I really appreciate this. W: No, don't mention it. Now, let's see if I can get this thing to work this time. ========= CORRECT ANSWERS 24C - 25A - 26A - 27B - 28A - 29C - 30B
english listening practice english listening tests cambridge exams cambridge FCE preparation CEFR Level B2 b2 cambridge exercises b2 cambridge level
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