First Certificate in English (FCE) Exam - Listening Test 65 with Answers & Transcript

Xuất bản 14/08/2015
This is the new Cambridge First Certificate in English Listening test, 2016. Practicing on these Cambridge FCE Listening tests helps raise your score in the Cambridge English First exams. These tests are also very good to exercise English listening skills. Correct answers & audio transcript are posted below. This video is in the series of NEW Cambridge First Certificate in English exam preparation: SUBSCRIBE with us for the latest tests and support ! ======= TRANSCRIPTS Question 1. I didn’t want to go to university, so when I finished school I went and got a job. My parents said if I was in full-time education they'd give me an allowance, but if not I’d have to work. So I got a job in a big store, in the menswear department... Actually, I think I had to go out and find out what I could do, because in school I wasn’t particularly brilliant. So, when it came to doing work, I think I had to prove a lot of people wrong. So I really felt like doing it ... even though it was just selling socks in Harridges. Question 2. The Hilton Dance Company have been at the Camden Theatre for almost a month now, offering us a wonderful programme of mainly modern dances. The company have just celebrated their twentieth year of performances all over the world! But this week they'll be taking a break from dancing, to give us an idea of how a dance company works. Top dancer and company manager Lisa West will be in the theatre, telling us about the company’s work, but all the dancers will be there too, so it’s also your opportunity for a get-together! And, of course, you don’t need to have any experience of dance for this ... Question 3. - I tell you, we were dead lucky! He could have done some serious damage if we hadn’t reacted so quickly. - What did he do - just shoot straight out without looking? - Yeah. Clare yelled something at me and I just slammed on the brakes. - Did he stop? - You’re joking! Just blasted his horn at us and carried on. - And there was nobody behind you? - No, fortunately, otherwise who knows what might have happened. - You were lucky. That road’s always busy. Question 4. The research for a major wildlife TV series can take up to a year, followed by about two years’ filming, with four or five camera teams around the world at any one time. Finding the right stories to film is only half the job. The other half is finding the right location and then going out to help the camera-person film it. This can be difficult - you have to make sure you're in the right place at the right time. So good planning is essential. We spend a lot of time on the phone beforehand, getting advice from local experts. Question 5. This is the most beautiful place I’ve ever visited and, believe me, in my career as a travel writer I’ve seen some fabulous scenes. From the deck of this small sailing boat I have a wonderful view out over a short expanse of sparkling blue water to the white houses of the village on the left, and then to the wooded hillsides behind, which climb up to the snow-covered mountain peaks surrounding this lovely valley. By the water’s edge, people are sitting in the late-evening sun enjoying a leisurely meal of fresh fish, caught in these waters only a few hours ago. It’s heaven! Question 6. Giving me my money back isn’t the point. My son needs to practise for an important match, but at the moment his table is lying in bits on the floor. When I bought it, I was assured that it would only take a matter of moments to screw the different parts in place, but the instructions don’t make sense. Since I paid so much for it, I think it’s only fair to ask for some hands-on help from you in getting it into a usable state. My son is impatient for a game on his new table! Question 7. - Helen, was this business always a dream of yours? - No, not really. It developed from what we used to do - build fishing boats. How long have you been in business? - About eight years. First we built the marina, then we bought boats to rent out for cruising holidays. It’s going well! - How many boats do you have? During the summer I bet you’re pretty busy. Yes, people use them like caravans, really. They go up river for their holidays and then bring them back to the moorings here for us to prepare for the next client... Question 8. This is a really delicious part - plenty to get your teeth into, some very good speeches, a lot of change of mood. There’s lots for the audience to identify with too, so it all goes to make my job more rewarding. The fact that this is a revival means I also have the challenge of putting my own stamp on a role. The original performance, by the man who created the part some twenty years ago, will still be in the mind of some members of the audience. I couldn’t ask for more! ========= CORRECT ANSWERS 1C - 2B - 3B - 4C - 5C - 6B - 7A - 8A
english listening practice english listening tests cambridge first certificate in english exam cambridge FCE preparation CEFR Level B2 b2 cambridge exercises b2 cambridge level
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