English Listening Practice for Cambridge FCE - Test 28 with Answers & Transcript

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Xuất bản 14/08/2015
This is the new Cambridge First Certificate in English Listening test, 2016. Practicing on these Cambridge FCE Listening tests helps raise your score in the Cambridge English First exams. These tests are also very good to exercise English listening skills. Correct answers & audio transcript are posted below. This video is in the series of NEW Cambridge First Certificate in English exam preparation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp39kaAVtLBSDL3HMhv1aTXV4SCOc9_8s SUBSCRIBE with us for the latest tests and support ! ======= TRANSCRIPTS A = Andrea B = Bob C = Carl A: Look Bob! That's a new stall we haven't seen before. B: You mean the one with all those CD's and cassettes ... hang on ... hey! That's Carl. A: You mean Carl who used to work with you at 'Acres'? What's he doing here? B: Must have started up a new business - though he's the last person I'd have expected to ... C: Hey, Bob! B: Quick, pretend we haven't seen him. A: Oh, come on! He's your friend, you can't ignore him like that. C: Bob, what a great surprise ... haven't seen you for ... must be years. B: Carl. Good to see you mate. Er ... This is my fiancee, Andrea. C: Oh, pleased to meet you. Are you interested in country music? I know Bob's not too keen. A: Is that what all this is? All country music? Have you got any Irish Folk music? B: Oh, God. C: I did have, but it didn't seem to sell too well. B: I'm not surprised. C: So I got rid of it all - pity really. B: Good thing if you ask me ... And, how long have you been doing this? C: You mean the stall? Oh, about two months. After 'Acres' closed down, I was out of work for about a year and then one day, I got talking to my claims officer ... er ... about my collection ... and he suggested that I did this ... and so far it's been quite profitable. A: Do you make a profit? C: Last week I took a bit over 3,000 pounds. B: Three thousand quid! C: Well, some of it has to pay for overheads and VAT but I should get to keep at least half of it. A: Was it difficult to get started? What did you have to do? C: No, no, it was quite easy really. I just talked to a 'small business adviser' at the bank and luckily, I still had some redundancy money left so there was no need for a loan or anything ... anyway what about you? B: Oh, I spent my redundancy money on a holiday. A: And the car! B: Well, yeah, yeah, it didn't quite cover the car so I had to take out a loan, which I'm still paying off - you see the new job pays even less than 'Acres' did. I guess I should have done something like you have. A: You still could. I'm sure the bank could extend you a loan if you asked. Have you seen Bob's silverware? ... It's really quite unique. C: Er yeah, yes, he did show me some pictures once. Come to think of it, there's a man who sells similar stuff at a car boot sale in Blackpool, where I do a stall on Sundays. A: There, you see. You could do a stall on Sundays and keep on your job at the bakery. B: Oh, er ... I don't know about that. I'm not sure all that standing around in the cold would be good for my circulation. The doctor said I need to stay in a warm environment and keep moving. A: You're just making excuses now. This is a fantastic chance to make some money ... =========== CORRECT ANSWERS 24B - 25A - 26C - 27A - 28A - 29B - 30A
english listening practice english listening tests cambridge FCE preparation CEFR Level B2 b2 cambridge exercises b2 cambridge level cambridge first certificate in english
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