Cambridge FCE Exam - English Listening Test 52 with Answers & Transcript

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Xuất bản 14/08/2015
This is the new Cambridge First Certificate in English Listening test, 2016. Practicing on these Cambridge FCE Listening tests helps raise your score in the Cambridge English First exams. These tests are also very good to exercise English listening skills. Correct answers & audio transcript are posted below. This video is in the series of NEW Cambridge First Certificate in English exam preparation: SUBSCRIBE with us for the latest tests and support ! ======= TRANSCRIPTS Interviewer: This afternoon I’m at Frankby Castle, one of the best-preserved ancient buildings in the North, and I have with me Ryan Mackenzie, the Chief Warden. Tell me, Ryan, how does your working day begin? Ryan: Early! I have to be here by 7.30 to collect the keys and let the cleaners in. Then I make sure all the other employees arrive on time, and (24) tell them what needs doing during the day. I’m in charge of 15 people here, so there’s a lot to think about. Especially as the manager doesn’t come in until later. Interviewer: And what do you normally do the rest of the day? Ryan: A whole range of things, including frequent security checks - there are some extremely valuable items in the castle - and ensuring proper maintenance of things like the lighting, and the bathrooms. But (25) above all I have to make sure that the public, once they’re admitted after 9 o’clock, can tour the castle without getting hurt. The walls here are very high, and some of those old stones are quite loose. But we’ve never had an accident, I’m pleased to say. We’ve got good staff. Interviewer: So what qualities, would you say, do you need if you want to work here? Ryan: That partly depends on the particular job, but in general (26) the first essential is being able to walk a lot, going UP and down lots of stone stairs all day. There are no lifts here. Other than that, they need to know a little about the castle’s past, though nobody expects them to be professors of history, and to be able to control a situation. Some of our people are ex-police men or women, but that isn’t essential. Interviewer: The uniforms you wear are quite military in style, aren’t they? How do you feel about the one you wear? Ryan: I know some people say it’s very old-fashioned and all that, but to my mind (27) part of its function is to continue the traditions here. Everything about this uniform is there for a reason from centuries gone by. And, by the way, it fits quite well. Some new staff have to get theirs made to measure, but luckily I didn’t need to. Interviewer: Yes, it looks very smart. Now tell me, do things ever go wrong here? Ryan: Well, I remember one January night we had a fire drill and everybody had to get out, but one couple were so fascinated by a painting that they somehow managed to stay in one of the rooms. Unfortunately for them we decided not to reopen after the drill was over, and (28) they ended up being stuck there overnight once we’d locked all the main doors. When the cleaners heard sounds in the morning, they thought they must be art thieves, and were about to call the police until the woman could explain what’d happened. Interviewer: I imagine somebody got into trouble over that! But, apart from the occasional unfortunate incident, is this a pleasant place to work? Ryan: Most of the time, yes! (29) There’s so much about this place that I still don’t know and I get a thrill whenever I discover more facts about it. OK, it’s freezing in winter and too hot in summer, but you get used to that. And people here don’t always work with a smile, but it’s like that anywhere, isn’t it? Interviewer: Uh-huh. And, overall, are you glad you decided to make Frankby your home? Ryan: Well, before I moved here, I’d lived in several big towns so I was worried I’d be bored, but in practice that didn’t turn out to be the case. Of course, I’m right next to my place of work, but I don’t think that really matters, either. And (30) when I think of some of the ugly towns I could’ve ended up in. I realise iust how fortunate I am. I’m not surprised they built a castle here! ======= CORRECT ANSWERS 24A - 25B - 26C - 27C - 28B - 29A - 30B
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