Maths Help: Bearing Problems -

Xuất bản 09/08/2016
▶ Visit Our Website (COMING SOON) For Full Video Lessons ▶ Facebook: ▶ Twitter: ▶ Google +: ▶ Website (COMING SOON) : "Math Help" Trigonometry bearings south east west degrees how to math help math tutorial how to find bearings ▶ Just Press Play And Start Learning Your Way! Question: A ship sails on a bearing of 200°T from O to P. If P is 80 nautical miles further west than O, find how far the ship has sailed (give your answer to one decimal place) Expand on your knowledge of bearings to solve this word problem! IGNORE: vividmaths how to how to maths maths help maths tuition math geometry bearings problems year 10 triangle axis fun math cool maths
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