Types of Facebook users - English Vocabulary Lesson

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Xuất bản 20/08/2015
Types of Facebook users - English Vocabulary lesson It has been observed that there is a mixed variety of people users are friends with on Facebook. Some are busy in sending game requests or posting random pictures, while others simply behave like mute spectators and observe your every move. There are others who simply post stuff like "I can't believe this" or "It's annoying" in the hopes that you will ask what exactly happened, but they never finish telling the story. In this lesson Niharika brings you certain types of Facebook users. See and find out which category you and others you know belong to. The Stalker – Facebook is single-use for them: go see what people they know do. The Newbie – They are all over the place, like and comment on everything, selfies are a must. The Over-Sharer – Nothing stays out, everything happening goes on Facebook. The Brand Promoter – Proud of his company and making sure everyone knows it. The Fearful User – Their knowledge of privacy settings is exceptional. The Curator – Knows what is good for others, and makes it a personal duty to share it. The Gamer – Facebook is not a social network, it’s a gaming platform. The Non-User – has a profile, may not remember he does.
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