Talking about Body Noises in English -- English Vocabulary Lesson

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Xuất bản 20/08/2015
Talking about Body Noises in English -- English Vocabulary Lesson Our beautiful Body does have an ability to produce weird noises, so what exactly they are called in English. Thats what you are going to learn in this lesson today. At times these noises are little embarrassing especially, if you are in a classroom , at a Dinner table or you are in a meeting, and what if your body produces one of those weird noises. Wow! it can get really embarrassing, isn't it, Watch the lesson and learn how you can get out of this situation, how you can excuse yourself out of this situation.
business English vocabulary words learn English speak English idioms spoken English listening skills English lesson English speaking Grammar speaking English Free English English lessons public speaking how to American accent English video learn grammar fluent English fluency in English English training video speak fluent English accent training British accent US accent UK accent personality development sentences presentation soft skills phrases
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