Learn English Online with Popular Topics -- Including Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation and More!

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Xuất bản 20/08/2015
You can learn English online while you enjoy what you are learning. Go to: http://www.english-quickly.com/learn-English-online.html for details on how you can improve you English much quicker. Transcript: Learn English Online with English - quickly .com, hi my name is David Claussen and I designed this site to give you popular topics while teaching you English at the same time for example I did this video about Bolivia and the salt flats or I give you English lessons about a number one movie in America that made over $35,000,000 or you can get English lessons about shopping I have sections on business English the news English grammar idioms and so much moreso head over to English-quickly.com and make sure to sign up for my for my newsletter because I will tell you when I make new videos and lessons for you, so thanks for your time and happy learning take care, bye bye Make sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vA2jwm1Aync You can also find my free English lessons on the following social networks: https://www.facebook.com/EnglishQuickly http://www.pinterest.com/EnglishQuickly/ https://twitter.com/EnglishQuickly https://www.linkedin.com/in/englishquickly http://learn-english-quickly.tumblr.com/ http://vk.com/learn.english.quickly http://www.reddit.com/user/EnglishQuickly/
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