計算機数学I (2015) (10) 剰余つき除算,Euclidの互除法 (Computer Mathematics I, Lecture 10)

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Xuất bản 18/08/2015
照井 章. 筑波大学 理工学群 数学類. 計算機数学I. 2015年6月29日. 筑波大学 1E401. Akira Terui. Lecture "Computer Mathematics I (in Japanese)." Lecture 10: Division with remainder; Euclidean algorithm. June 29, 2015, at College of Mathematics, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan. 講義ノートはこちら (Lecture note available in Japanese): https://www.math.tsukuba.ac.jp/~terui/compmath1-2015
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