2011 Hagey Lecture: Dr. Ian Hacking - How did mathematics become possible?

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Xuất bản 18/08/2015
In the 2011 Hagey Lecture, Professor Ian Hacking explores how human beings developed the ability to do math. Monday, October 3, 2011 at 8:00pm, Humanities Theatre, Hagey Hall Drawing from recent cognitive science, the history of early mathematics, social studies of science, and what has been called the archaeology of mind—how fashioning artifacts has changed the human mind itself—the lecture aims less at "building bridges" between these different kinds of inquiry, than at highlighting how much we are learning right now, and how little we know. Ian Hacking is regarded as a leading scholar in the history and philosophy of science, although his work has touched fields as diverse as statistical inference and the emergence of multiple personality disorder. His contributions have earned many awards, including the Killam Prize for Humanities and an appointment to the Order of Canada. Waterloo's premier invitational public lecture series since 1970, the Hagey Lectures are co-sponsored by the Faculty Association and the University of Waterloo.
learning Lecture Math Mathematics Waterloo Ian Hacking Hagey
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