Nursing Home Neglect

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Xuất bản 15/08/2015
Nursing Home Neglect Michael L. Goldberg: When we talk about nursing home neglect cases, we're really talking about two different types of facilities. First you have the nursing home. In the nursing home, they provide skilled nursing care, medications, they can also provide wound treatment, and other types of medical treatment to the residents. On the other hand, the second type of facility is an assisted living facility where they don't provide that level of care, but instead try to provide some assistance to elderly people or people who may need a little bit of help. When you look at cases against nursing homes, you need expert testimony in the terms of a nursing home expert or a physician to testify about the deviation from the standard of care that occurred at the facility. Often these types of cases involve ulcers or improper wound treatment, giving the wrong type of medications, and also failing to get the type of medical treatment or to provide it correctly to the residents. And again, those types of cases, you're going to have to have expert testimony on. The other types of facility, the assisted living facility, the cases are different. They usually do not need expert testimony. They involve things like monitoring patients, or slip and fall cases where something was left out and an elderly patient falls. And those types of cases with elderly people, you can often have hip fractures or very serious injuries that result from what may have been a minor incident. We've handled a number of different kinds of cases involving with nursing, nursing homes and assisted living facilities. One that comes to mind is a case that we handled where a person who had Alzheimer's escaped from a facility through a window. The window alarm went off but the care taker failed to go check it and unfortunately it ended with a tragic result with the person's body not being found until several months later. Both of these types of cases, nursing home cases and assisted living cases, require a level of expertise of familiarity, both with the medicine and the law that's involved, and we bring both of those to the table.
Home Nursing Neglect
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